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End Your Dental Pain Today - A Root Canal Could Be Right for You

Written By Smile Arts Dental on February 3, 2023

woman with root canal tooth pain

End Your Dental Pain Today - A Root Canal Could Be Right for You

When you’re experiencing tooth pain, discomfort, and trouble eating, it can be hard to participate in your normal daily activities. Severe, non-stop tooth pain is a sign of a serious oral health issue, and the longer it goes untreated, the more problematic it will become. If you’ve been Googling “dentist near me in Carmel” because you can’t stand being in pain for one more day, a root canal might be the answer. 

What is a Root Canal? 

A root canal is a simple outpatient procedure performed by a dentist or endodontist. It is performed to save and repair a badly infected tooth, remove infected tooth pulp, and prevent the need for tooth extraction. When performed early enough, a root canal can preserve the natural tooth so that it won’t need to be pulled. 

When is a Root Canal Necessary? 

A root canal is necessary when a tooth has become so badly infected that your options are either a root canal or tooth extraction. Performing a root canal will reduce your risk of serious infection and preserve the health of your tooth.

Why is a Root Canal Better than Other Options? 

Once a tooth infection has become so severe that root canal therapy is considered, it is past the point of clearing up on its own. The only alternative to a root canal is tooth extraction. After extraction, the lost tooth is replaced with a dental prosthetic. This is costly and ultimately a longer procedure than just undergoing a root canal. 

What to Expect 

Before your root canal, Dr. Alex Balaban will perform a full dental exam, take your health history, and take dental x-rays. Root canals are performed with local or general anesthetic, so you won’t feel any pain or discomfort during the procedure. Dr. Balaban will make a small hole or opening in the crown of your tooth, through which he will remove decayed, rotting, and infected material. Medication may be injected into the opening. A temporary crown is placed over the tooth, and you may need to take antibiotics after the procedure to clear up any remaining infection. You will return to us later for a filling and permanent crown placement.

Call Us Today to Find Out if a Root Canal Can End Your Dental Pain

If your dental pain has become so bad you can’t eat, sleep, work, exercise, or spend time with family or friends, call us today at Smile Arts Dental to find out if you need a root canal in Carmel.

To learn more or schedule an appointment, call us today at (317) 575-1995.

Posted In: Dental Visit Crowns Oral Hygiene Root Canal