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Ease and Effectiveness of Invisible Braces

Written By Smile Arts Dental on January 3, 2023


happy smiling woman with invisible braces

Ease and Effectiveness of Invisible Braces

If you’ve been weighing the pros and cons of adult braces, you should consider the benefits of getting invisible braces. Invisible braces are just as effective as traditional orthodontia, but they are virtually undetectable and can be worn comfortably without the need for frequent, painful adjustments. Looking for a “dentist near me in Carmel” to help you learn more? Dr. Alex Balaban here at Smile Arts Dental can help you learn more about the benefits offered by invisible braces.

What are Invisible Braces?
Invisible braces include clear ceramic brackets, “inside braces,” and clear dental aligners. Ceramic or clear braces are similar to traditional braces, but the brackets are clear, so they are less noticeable on the teeth. Inside braces are attached to the back of the teeth, so they are hidden from view. Clear aligners are soft, flexible, removable pieces that fit over the upper and lower teeth to gently and comfortably shift the teeth back into alignment.

How Invisible Braces Work
Clear dental aligners are manufactured using computerized technology that ensures they are fabricated to the exact shape, size, and specifications of your upper and lower teeth. They are custom fitted to easily fit over your top and bottom teeth comfortably, without slipping, moving around, or irritating your gums or tongue. As your treatment progresses, you will use new aligners, so your teeth are slowly and gently moved or shifted into alignment. You can remove your dental aligners to clean them, and to eat, sleep, brush, and floss. Most aligners should be worn between 16-22 hours per day for best results.

Are Invisible Braces Effective?
Yes, when fitted and manufactured correctly, worn properly, and cared for appropriately, invisible braces are as effective as traditional braces. Invisible braces can be used to correct misaligned teeth, overbites, crooked teeth, overcrowding, and spaces or gaps between teeth.

Am I a Good Candidate for Invisible Braces?
Invisible braces are recommended for teens and adults. They should not be used when any baby teeth remain in the mouth. You may be a good candidate for invisible braces if you have a dental problem that can be corrected with invisible braces and can commit to wearing the clear aligners for up to 22 hours per day and caring for them appropriately. While invisible braces are less noticeable and more comfortable than alternative treatment methods, they do require commitment and dedication to ensure they are effective.

Visit Us Today to Learn More About Invisible Braces in Carmel
If you’re considering invisible braces in Carmel, schedule an appointment with us today at Smile Arts Dental. We offer comfortable, easy to use invisible braces that can straighten your teeth and improve your smile and confidence.

To learn more or schedule an appointment, give us a call at (317) 575-1995.

Posted In: Cosmetic Dentistry Invisalign Teeth Straightening Clear Aligner Braces